Thursday, February 25, 2010

February Still Here!

Well, this is our week for the snow!  We got about 8 inches with our "first" storm (as the weather announcers said, although it was JUST snow!), then a break yesterday for a bit, then sometime last night it started snowing again, and we are forecast to get anywhere from 1-10 inches (depending on which weather site you go to!)  Our temps though are just in the mid 30's, so it quickly turns into slush, at least the bottom couple inches.  So, black ice is a problem at night on the roads.  The snow plow just now, at 11:30 am came along Water Street, so before that I was entertained watching the cars trying to make it up the slippery little hill outside my windows.  Some of the drivers were not happy, I could tell.  They were probably trying to make the train (the train station parking lot is just 1/2 block away from here).  It amazes me that some people don't plan ahead for the snowy roads.  We have a couple of nurses on the day shift at work that always have that problem when it snows.  Don't they ever think to just get up and start out an hour earlier? Fortunately for them, the hospital has a 2 hour delay clause, so they still get their full days pay if they are late due to weather.  UNfortunately for those of us on the night shift, we have to stay till they get there!  But at least we do get the overtime.  I, personally would rather have them plan ahead so I could get the 2 hours sleep!  I am on a long stretch of work, working 5 nights over the next 6. I did have last night off with a good stretch of sleep.  But, now the cross country trails are just out there waiting for me in vain.  I hope Rob and Rachel go take advantage of them this weekend.

Mike made it to the Virgin Islands okay after about an 11 day voyage.  Bad weather early in the trip, but then a period of almost no wind.  The usual breakage of equipment, but nothing that can't be repaired.  He is now in St. John fixing things, cleaning up the boat and getting rejuvenated for the short trip on to St. Martin.  





The above photos were from last Saturday.  Hayden and I went to the Frost Valley YMCA camp.  It is a large, beautiful tract of land up in a high valley in the Catskills.  They always seem to have more snow than anyone else.  We skied for awhile, then did the sledding hill.  VERY exciting. The sledding hill had sculpted bumps and lumps where you would fly through air for a short bit.  It was a gray day as you can see, but had earlier been sunny.  The photos below were from yesterday morning when I got home from work.  It is very wet snow, very Pretty to watch coming down!  I could sit all day and watch it snow.....and of course not get anything else done.

This is Fallkill Creek, as it flows down into the Hudson.  The Pavilion next to the creek is owned by the Mid Hudson Children's Museum and is a teaching and event space.  This is the walk the dog and I take several times a day.

The above is part of Waryas Park, along the river.  Below is our parking lot, with the train tracks in the background.  The lot gets very slippery.  We having a plowing service, so must park elsewhere when the plow comes!  Takes planning ahead when you leave town or sleep during the day!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!

With Valentine's Day approaching, here we are with a snowstorm!  A couple of winters ago the only time we got snow was on Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day.  That was the winter that it was 50 degrees a couple days before Christmas.  But, we made up for it later. 

It is snowing here right now, and started a little after midnight last night.  It has been intermittant, but much more is forecast for this afternoon into evening.  Just in time for me to go to work!  I have enjoyed days off for the past several and now start a 4 night stretch on.

Last Sunday Rob and Rachel and Hayden and I all met at Belleayre for a day of cross country skiing.  Hayden was much better, and Rob and Rachel, who had never been, did pretty good! I was glad that they were able to go.  It is more fun most times with someone else along.  And, I am slowly getting a little better too, falling less often, and better at going down inclines.  I also went mid week last week by myself and had a great time on fresh powdery snow.  Today would be a lovely day to go.  SIGH   Hopefully the snow will last until I am off again, next week.

I am in the midst of winter projects though, so skiing is definitely a distraction.  I still have to finish the boat cushions.  I am almost ready to send my tax stuff to my accountant.  That will be a big relief.  AND I have several books to finish.  It is nice to have a list of things to do though and be able to do them.  I think of all the people whose lives were disrupted by the earthquake in Haiti, and am thankful for the roof over my head, the job to go to, and the lists of things I CAN do.  I had thought of volunteering to go on a medical mission to Haiti to help out, but have not found the right opportunity.  Most of the nursing/medical teams want two or more weeks commitment, which I cannot do right now. 

Mike is currently out at sea, heading down to St. Martin.  He left Green Turtle Cay on Sunday, and hopefully will be at his destination within the next two weeks.